Saturday 5 May 2018

LO4: Evaluation (matt)

As you can see from this still from our finished product and a segment of the story board you can see that we have effectively followed our production materials and have carried across the coventions of an audio visual trailer of this genre. i this case a thriller and as you can see we have followed the codes and conventions of a thriller trailer by using close up shots of the characters face to connote intensity

We have also followed our planned codes and conventions and prodution materials by includig a large title graphic. This helps build up brand identity and can help to build a franchize 

In the production of this audio visual promo we have found issues that could have been over comb and sucsseses that were a result of good planning and communication.  


We built susupence with the use of the ticking noise well which added suspense to the narrative of the trailer, simillar to the suspence creared in Dunkirk

We gave a good indication of style in the trailer

We are building the brand identity by using the production companyies name in the trailer


Some audio could be made better by the use of the a sound recorder rather than the use of onboard audio.

We should have given a better indication of what the over all film is about.


By looking at my own evaluation and audience feedback from our survey monkey i would improve the narrative of the trialer to make it slightly more clear however keep the narrative non liniar so that the audience will be wanting to know what happens next in the narratve butq i think a better indication of where the utopia becomes a distopita would intice the audience.


I think the trailer is a sucsses however through the use of better production techniques we could have made it slightley better.

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