Friday 4 May 2018

LO4: Drafts (frazur)

Trailer draft one:
This first draft of the trailer was to use as a guide for the team to follow when working on aspects of the rest of the trailer so that they could understand the tone and pacing of the trailer that we were trying to create as a team. When asking others for feedback on this version the main complaint was that the trailer was far to linear and therefore gave too much away about the film and it's narrative (which while being hinted at should not be revealed in its entirety as that doing so would mean that the audience no longer has any investment into decoding narrative enigmas.)
Another large issue is that the frame size was not large enough to fit a YouTube video. As well as this this version of the trailer features none of the clips we took of the actual kidnapping scene which is paramount to the basis of the film. This is because at the time of its creation we had not yet filmed this final scene and will therefore add it in subsequent edits.

Trailer draft two:

This second edit doesn't add much to the trailer beyond removing some excess sound and improving the issue of the frame size being too small. This is the trailer that we presented for feedback and therefore the final version addresses the main issues addressed by the audience during that session.

Trailer draft three:
This is the final draft of our trailer and the one that would be shown to an audience. In order to make it more suitable to them we made the plot a bit more clear and also added some lines of dialogue as that that is what we were asked to do when we requested feedback. We feel that this is by far the best version of the trailer that we have created.


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