Monday 29 January 2018

LO3 : Planning matching production (josh)

Planning matching production:

This post is evidence that our planning match the final product. The storyboard is the main piece of planning that demonstrates that the appearance of the trailer. 

The scenes below are both in the storyboard. The top one is a short clip of Wayne talking to Aaron. We decide that this was important to put in there as it shows that they are "friends", as there is also a shot of Andrew and Christopher. This immediately shows the characters, who's side each character is on. It fits with the conventions of a Thriller as there is very often two sides in a Thriller film/trailer. 

This is a generic shot of Christopher opening the door to his house. This shot just adds to the flow of the trailer and works well with the audio of the ticking sound. There are a lot of quick jump shots and this is just an example of one of them. Below is the shot in premier as well as the storyboard shot. We needed some shots to set up the trailer and fit in with the ticking noise. This was an example of one that also created suspense and made the audience curious of who the hand belongs to.

We ended the trailer with the title of our short film "The White Room". This is a convention of nearly every trailer, not just a Thriller film. It was done basically so everyone knows what the film is called and it was on at the end so it is the last thing that people see before the trailer ends. 

There is also an interesting foreshadowing shot where people see the balaclava in the draw but not who it belongs to. This will intrigue the audience as they will want to know who the balaclava belongs to. This links to the theme of a thriller trailer as they often create suspense and leave the audience wondering. Although the shot type isn't exactly the same it is still based off of our original planned shot, only using a slider to make it more aesthetic to watch for the audience.

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