Tuesday 21 November 2017

LO2: treatment

Target Audience

The target audience for The White Room would be men between the ages of 18 and 40 from the ABC1 groups of the NRS social scale. The target audience will already have an interest in thrillers/intense films.

Audience Profile

Mark is a 28-year-old, lower-middle-class assistant manager at a local hotel. He earns around £32,000 a year so he has an average amount of disposable income, most of which is spent on films as he loves to go to the cinema. He spends around £30 a month on film-related activities, this includes going to the cinema as well as paying for streaming services like Netflix. He owns his own car, only a hatchback but it is relatively new. He also has a fiancĂ©, so is saving a lot of his spare money for a wedding.

When he was younger he used to dream of being a film producer, he received a small camera for his birthday one year and used it regularly to act out scenes from his favourite films like Terminator and Goldeneye. As he grew up he lost interest in working in the film industry however he never lost his love for intense films. This is where The White Room comes in. Mark hasn't been to the cinema as frequently over the past few months as he is saving money for his wedding, so when he decides to go he wants to make sure he see's something he knows he is going to like. He remembers seeing the trailer for The White Room, he remembers the suspense it created and his desire to find out more about the narrative of the film.


The main purpose of trailer is to advertise our short film “The White Room”. The purpose of the trailer is also to cause suspense as the genre of the short film is a thriller. This will be to get the target audience want to see the short film as they will be curious to find out how the events of the short film pan out. The main point of the trailer is to make the target audience want to go and see the film without ruining the main events of the film. 

What must be in the final promo to appeal to the target audience Matt

The trailer must contain ideal self / partner qualities to appeal to the audience and we should consider this when casting actors for the roles and aim for them to appeal to the target audience. We could use a range of camera angles to make certain characters look powerful and certain characters look venerable. 

Marketing / advertising techniques Matt

As a large proportion of our target audience will be working professionals using above the line advertising methods in city centres would make sense i.e. bus stops/billboards are accessible in built up areas. We could also focus on a social media campaign which targets the audience using web 2.0 and below the line marketing techniques, this is appropriate as our target audience is made up of digital natives and will almost all have social media accounts. 

Brief Synopsis Matt

The narrative that this trailer is aiming to portray is one about a 20 year old male who is kidnapped on the orders of a gang far bigger than them selves who us the poor and venerable to do their dirty work for them, in this case Wayne a 40+ year old war veteran left with nothing has befriended a young and good looking accomplice into his gang, Aaron. As Aaron is a new member to the gang the boss has requested that he proves himself and Chris is there to supply him with the details and make the location is secured.  

In this audio visual trailer we aim to not give to much away to the audience so we don't ruin the climax of the film. 

Chosen genre

We have chosen to work in the genre of thriller/crime/drama, As we have chosen to work in this genre we must consider the appropriate way to structure the trailer and manipulate the mise en scene to give the audience an indication of the style and genre.

The required crew


We will require actors to fill the following roles:

Antagonist - Chris
2nd Antagonist - Aaron
Side kick/partner-


We require 2 camera operators for this production


We require a clear sense of direction in this production to make the actors perform at their very best

Required equipment
  • Tripod X2
  • DSLR X2
  • Slider X1
  • Portrait lens X2
  • Standard lens X1
  • microphones X2
  • Tie mic X1
Suggested locations
  • Holland street
  • Cafe creme 
  • Sheffield and the surrounding areas

We must consider locations that are easy to locate and fit with the mise en scene and iconography of the narrative.

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