Tuesday 20 March 2018

LO:4 Offline edit (Matt)

In the offline edit i peiced togrether twenty seconds of the trailer together using raw footage in Adobe premier, the clips were cut and trimed to the te timing of a slow ticking noise that i found on a creative commons web site ad we wanted our cut to transitions to be intime with the ticking noise. whilst doing the ofline edit we noticed that some of the dilogue that we want to use in the trailer had a hissing noise on the audio which would need to be removed using audition this will be done in the online edit.

Saturday 10 March 2018

LO3: Setting up production materials ( photos of setting up cameras/ tripods/ directing actors whilst filming). (matt)

I assisted in setting up production equipment by assembeling and setting up tripods for filming, this was important as it allowed us to capture smooth and steady footage, rather than achiving shakey and or blury footage.