Monday 23 October 2017

LO2: Legal and ethical and moral issues (all)

Legal and ethical and moral issues

Legal considerations:

There are several legal issues that must be avoided when making a trailer for a film. The six that are of most relevance are below. 
  • Copyright, designs and patents act 1988.
This law protects the creations of people within the market place. It means that we are not allowed to take music which we have no claim to, or permission to use and other people are not allowed to steal scenes from our film and put them in their own products. 
For our product we will need to gain copyright permission from the owners of the music which we plan to feature in our short film.    
  • Data protection act.
This law means that we have to be very careful to protect the contact information of the people who we have contacted for this film. It also means that we have to have our actors sign release and consent agreements so that they can appear in our film. This will include the actors in our film such as Joe Facer. 

Ethical considerations: 

  • Discrimination
Discrimination refers to to the hiring policy of our film. We must ensure that the policy of the film does not exclude anyone because of their ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation as well as this we must do everything in our power to make sure that our product is diverse.        

  • representation
Our film risks being accused of misrepresentation due to the protagonists being portrayed as middle class while the antagonists are to be working class (and are shown in the script to be struggling financially) To this end we will ensure that our characters are portrayed in a grounded and realistic manner which could not be considered offencive. 


The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) is responsible for the classification and censorship of films released in the United Kingdom. The promo for The White Room would receive a "12" rating from the BBFC as it would feature a moderate amount of threat and violence with little to no explicit language. We will adhere to the BBFC guidelines by not using an excessive amount of explicit language or any graphic violence.

OFCOM is the UK regulatory authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries of the united kingdom. OFCOM are relevant to the trailer for The White Room as it is being distributed online. This means that it must abide by OFCOM's regulations if it is to be advertised online on websites such as YouTube. There are rules set by OFCOM (section 3 of the broadcasting code) that state they must prohibit material that is likely to incite crime or disorder. Although our film does show part of a kidnapping taking place; it is not overly graphic and I believe it does not incite violence.

5.) Based on your promo – how could people/ places be MISREPRESENTED? Give examples and state how you avoid/ prevent this.

The cafe that we use in the trailer could be misrepresented as there is a kidnapping the takes place outside of it. Obviously there aren't kidnappings at the cafe (that I am aware of) so this could be a misrepresentation as the cafe as well as the surrounding area. Young men could also be misrepresented as they are shown to be kidnappers, however, we also use other young men in the story who are portrayed as kind and one of them is the person who gets kidnapped. This can help to counter the argument that we are creating a stereotype for young men.

6.) Based on your promo – where would you need to seek copyright permission – give examples. Be clear about how you  would seek permission.

If we have a scene that features a recognisable brand we would need to ensure that we seek permission from the owner for use of the product. We will also need to get rights to the music that we use (if any) or any sounds as we are intending to use ticking noises in our trailer to create suspense. However, we are planning to use copyright free noises and if we do use any other noises we will try to ensure that they are copyright free. To gain permission for our noises we can find the website/owner and email them for permission to use the content.

LO2: Call sheets

LO2: Job roles


We used Star Now to find actors for our trailer. We managed to find two actors from this website (Lee Horabin and Joe Facer) who played the parts of Wayne and Christopher respectively. We had to use two members as the actors for Aaron and Andrew as a lot of the actors that we messaged were either unable to attend filming sessions or failed to get back to us. Me and Matt Frost featured as Andrew and Aaron.

LO2: Location scouting (Frazer) , risk assessments (Josh) and recces (Matt)



  • The location is sheltered from rain
  • easy to acsses
  • easy access to power for lighting and equipment
  • Confined space for filming
  • Rain on the windows may create unwanted noise
  • Traffic and bypasses from the street could make unwanted noise     

19, Hawson way

LO2: Storyboard (all)

LO2: Meeting minutes (all)


LO2: Planning the promo (mind map and mood board) - All

LO2: Client brief and audience requirements - Jacob
LO2: Production schedules - All
LO2: Gantt Chart - All
LO2: Release and consent forms - Frazer
LO2: Gaining permissions - Josh
LO2: Meeting minutes - Jacob
LO2: Storyboard - All (Matt & Josh doing the narrative, Jacob and Frazer adding the camera work and editing)
LO2: Location scouting, risk assessments and recces - Frazer, Jacob
LO2: Call sheets - Matt
LO2: Job Roles - 
LO2: Legal and ethical issues - Frazer

in our meeting we have decided on who is undertaking what roles.

LO2: Release and consent forms (jacob)

LO2: Gantt Chart (All)

LO2: Production schedules (josh)